How does your donation help?

Our work gives people with refugee and migrant experiences a chance at a better life. Every donation makes a real difference – even by donating a small amount, you support life-changing causes.

Nazwa odbiorcy: FUNDACJA EMIC
Numer konta: 91 1020 5011 0000 9502 0292 5972

Foreign transfers:

DOLAR:  BIC SWIFT BPKOPLPW IBAN PL 86 1020 5011 0000 9302 0384 4362

EURO:  BIC SWIFT BPKOPLPW IBAN PL 81 1020 5011 0000 9502 0384 4354

PL:  BIC SWIFT  BPKOPLPW 91 1020 5011 0000 9502 0292 5972

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